

Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Work

Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Work

Is counting calories to guide our daily food intake fun? It probably isn’t. Does counting calories on a daily basis come natural? Probably not. Does solely focusing on calories regardless of what nutrients a food does or doesn’t have even make sense?

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Essential Fats

Essential Fats

Has anyone heard of the fight or flight response? The fight or flight response is a primal defense response that the body uses when it is under stress- this response gives us the drive to ‘run from the bear’ who is chasing us in the woods, hence threatening our life. I am using the fight or...

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What comes to mind when we hear the word ‘protein’? Is it all the misleading controversy surrounding the topic? Does meat, dairy and all other animal products come to mind or can we see even further into the fact that all protein is made up of a molecular chain of certain amino...

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